sfsu : Graphic Design I

Spring 2006: DAI 325 - Graphic Design I

Design principles and problem solving for visual communication. Basic digital production tools and techniques for creating print and screen media
Project 1: Horoscope Composition

Elements: a number, a title, a subtitle, 1 paragraph of text, 1 vector image, 1 bitmapped image, 1 decorative element, 2 fonts (sans serif and serif). A 7.5" x 7.5", flush mounted on black foamcore.

Displayed in the Fine Arts building with 7 others, Spring 2006

Assignment: Typography Flyer

Research, write, design, and publish a flyer that promotes one of the 10 chosen typefaces. Elements: 8.5" x 11", 1 color, 1 side, type only, no graphics. Discuss the history and influence of your typeface.

Displayed in the Fine Arts building with 3 others, Spring 2006